Unilateral Swollen Optic Nerves
Ischaemic Optic Neuropathies can be a daunting and complex presentation in today’s optometric practice. The presentations can have similar characteristics but have very different management. Some can be sight threatening and life threatening if not diagnosed correctly and treated accordingly. New variants of optic neuritis, which again can be sight and life threatening, are also on the rise.
This article provides clinical pearls for you to take back to practice an implement straight away in aiding the differential diagnoses of unilateral swollen optic nerves.
CPD Points: 1
Visionstryt credits: 1
Expiry Date: 31/12/2027

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Optometrist (Ocular Examination, Ocular Disease)
Dispensing Optician (Ocular Examination, Ocular Abnormalities)
Student Optometrist (Ocular Examination, Ocular Disease)
Student Dispensing Optician (Ocular Examination, Ocular Abnormalities)