An overview of AMD
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive, sight-threatening disease that affects older adults, typically over the age of 65. In 2015, AMD was a leading cause of moderate or severe visual impairment, affecting 8.4 million people globally. With an aging population, the prevalence of AMD is increasing. In 2020, the global prevalence was estimated to be 196 million, and this is expected reach 288 million by 2040.
This article will provide a reminder of the pathophysiology and classification of AMD, before reviewing the current treatments and management options available. It will also discuss how to effectively and sensitively communicate AMD to patients, and highlight the information that should be provided.
CPD Points: 1
Visionstryt credits: 1
Expiry Date: 31/12/2027

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Optometrist (Communication, Ocular Disease)
Dispensing Optician (Communication, Ocular Abnormalities)
Student Optometrist (Communication, Ocular Disease)
Student Dispensing Optician (Communication, Ocular Abnormalities)